Our fleet

Currently, CRONOSCAR's fleet is of over 700 vehicles, mainly from passenger transport class and commercial vehicles up to 3,5 tons.

National wide network

We deliver the rented vehicles anywhere in Romania, regardless of the type of rental contract. At present, we have assistence centers in: Bucharest, Ploiesti, Brasov, Sibiu and Constanta.

Technical support 24/7

All our car leasing contracts have free pick-up and delivery and round the clock phone support, through dedicated call-center.

+4 0721 251 070

Flexibility. Guarantee. Safety.

CRONOSCAR - a reliable partner!

Fleet Management

Many of our customers are part of the business segment. Therefore, our fleet consists of vehicles without special markings.

And because we know the value of quality, all cars in the fleet are no older than 3 years.

We are constantly engaged in the need to strengthen our position on the market. As a nationwide group of companies, we have a responsibility to ourselves everywhere, but also to customers to maintain the quality of services and efficiency to the highest standards.

We have our own service center, so that all vehicles in the CRONOSCAR fleet are regularly subjected to technical checks. Maintenance operations are made at minimal cost, and if needed, our service offers a vehicle for exchange, during repairs.

To eliminate periodic operational costs, all vehicles benefit from RCA compulsory insurance, CASCO, vignette.


Operational leasing

In practice, to meet the specific needs of managing a fleet of vehicles requires time and effort at both operational and financial level.

Outsourcing of operations that are not part of the core business of the company is a solution to increase economic efficiency, especially through relocation and concentration of resources in key areas.

Thus, the operational leasing solution offered by CRONOSCAR lets you save additional costs and simplify the entire process of acquisition and allocation of financial resources of the company for the vehicles fleet.

operational leasing

Flexibility: The duration of the contract can be any period between 12 and 48 months. Also, the vehicle type can be changed at anytime.

Our solution provides integration of all services related to vehicle operation through a complete full-serve type policy management.

It covers all recurring financial expenses and services on the vehicles leased long term, meaning, besides the fixed monthly rent:

  • The equivalent of all revisions and repairs of any kind during the contract, vehicle replacement anytime to reduce the immobilization time;
  • RCA insurance and CASCO;
  • Taxes and fees generated by the use of the vehicles;
  • Management of enfringement covered by insurance.

The advantages of operational leasing

  • Payments and monthly rentals are fully tax deductible at the time of payment;
  • Is a 100% financing solution compared to financial leasing, which only covers 75-80% of the price;
  • Vehicles not registered in company assets;
  • Financing through operational leasing does not affect the indebtedness of the company;
  • Cash-flow gain transparency, also becoming easier to manage and predict;
  • Cover against unforeseen events: theft, fire, immobilization due to malfunctions, total or partial damage etc.;
  • Fixed monthly costs for the entire period of the contract, negotiable at the time of signing.

Booking details

Duration: 0 days

Online booking

Car information

No vehicle selected


Rental price: 0 EUR

RCA & CASCO included, RO vignette included

Options price: 0 EUR

Total price: 0 EUR
VAT included

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By placing a reservation, you agree to reading and accept our car rental terms and conditions.


+4 0730 111 008 Online bookings

Professional consulting in fleet management for companies

fleet support

We efficiently manage your company's fleet, so that you can spend your time managing your business.

The fleet management solution offered by CRONOSCAR is the process of managing a company's fleet and consulting over the duration of an operational leasing program.

Closely following you company's needs, the vehicle fleet is configured according to specific requirements of car models and equipment packages, the entire process - from first meeting to delivery - being optimized for speed and flexibility.

Services implemented in the fleet management process:
  • fleet management services associated with operational leasing, designed according to your needs;
  • precise execution of car park policy after defining it by mutual agreement, following a comprehensive analysis of the needs in operation;
  • professional technical support;
  • efficiency, cost reductions and the optimisation of fleet budget;
Our fleet management solutions include:
  • check of vehicle endowment according to the law (first aid kit, warning triangles, fire extinguisher, reflective vest etc.);
  • Technical inspection and permanent revisions programming;
  • proposing and implementing procedures on fuel economy, use of correct tires etc.;
  • support and technical assistance through dedicated call center.
As main goals, we take care that your company' vehicles are permanently kept in good working condition and contribute to:
  • the entension of the vehicles' lifespan;
  • increase of resale value;
  • making sure that the vehicles maintenance, revisions and repairs are made properly and in due time;
  • the best complete services package;
  • ensuring that the warranties are honored;
  • reducing the immobilization time and costs associated with that;
  • the reduction of indirect expenses;
  • maintenance and repairs in a preventive manner, planned and predictable.